- A “featured classified ad” is an ad with maximum visibility priority, within the “Buy and Sell” sections within the corresponding thematic directory.
- The ad will be placed randomly, where it will be located at the top of the corresponding sections within the thematic directory.
- The validity is for 91 days .
Improve your chances of making sales.
Amada Madonna Company’s thematic directories are the places where wedding suppliers in Mexico meet. With a “featured classified ad”, you can increase your chances of buying or selling to the corresponding market sector of weddings, celebrations and travel.
How to buy?
Payment methods.
- 🏦 Bank payment.
- To pay through the bank, then tap or click the button: Add to cart. Consequently, follow the instructions and complete your order within Amada Madonna Store Mexico.
- 💳 Credit or debit card.
- PayPal.
- For this option, select the tab: Pay with PayPal. Accordingly, tap or click the corresponding button and follow the instructions in PayPal.
- You must have an account with Amada Madonna Store Mexico, and be logged in at all times for the checkout process to be successful.
The payment method providers are subject to their own Terms and Conditions, as well as their own Privacy Policies.
For more detailed information about payment methods,
payment providers availability regions, as well as customer benefits, then visit the following page:
[maxbutton id="1" url="" text="Payment methods" window="new" nofollow="true" ]
SKU codes.
If you have an order number.
Then you will not need the SKU codes to make the purchase.
If you don't have an order number.
In case you don't have an order number, but want to buy directly through a payment provider, then you will need the SKU code of each product you buy. Therefore, we advise you to save the SKU codes of each product you buy without the order number, i.e. directly.
The SKU code of each product is located below the section of: About pricing and purchasing options.
To select the SKU code, simply double click on it to select it, then copy and paste it into a text document or notepad to save it. You can separate each SKU code by a comma and a space, to add the next one.
Means of payment that will need the SKU codes, for purchases without an order number:
What does "can be backordered" mean?
It means that in case the inventory is out of stock, you can make a purchase to reserve the next product or service, when it becomes available. It's like reserving your place in line.
The "can be backordered" option is only available for bank payment, through the option of touching or clicking on the button: Add to cart. And complete the order inside Amada Madonna Store Mexico.
Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.
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